Who We Are

We’re a group of local leaders, activists, and public servants ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work for California’s families.

As your delegates to the California Democratic Party, we’ll committed to making sure the party stays focused on what matters most—building a stronger economy, protecting our communities, and fighting for a future where everyone has a fair shot.

We’ve been in the trenches—leading city councils, organizing voters, building small businesses, and achieving big policy wins across AD2.

We know the fight for democracy doesn’t end at the ballot box, It’s year-round, every year. And we’re ready to get to work.

Meet the Slate


Jeremy Newton
Santa Rosa


Leo Chyi
Bodega Bay

Meredith Matthews


Jeffery Hunerlach



Santa Rosa


Michael Harris
Bodega Bay

Felicia Smith, Democrats United for AD2

Felicia Smith

Ariel Kelley

Che Casul


Scott Bauer


Danielle Feldman
Santa Rosa

Geoffrey Larkin
Santa Rosa

Irene Hodes

Melanie Bagby

Candidate Ballot Numbers & Statements

  • My name is Meredith Matthews. I’m an Arcata City Council Member and Executive Director of the Arcata Chamber of Commerce, and I’m proudly running alongside the Democrats United Slate to be your delegate.

    As I left last year’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago, I was inspired and enthusiastic about the Democratic Party and the future of our country. Like all of us, I was shocked and disappointed on November 5th. 

    That day, I vowed that, instead of accepting defeat, I would fully dedicate myself to fighting at the local level for the democratic values I hold so dear. The values that we, as Democrats, share.

    Aggressive action to combat climate change on our doorstep. Uplifting our small business community and creating jobs with livable wages—while standing up to big corporations who try to deny workers their fair share. Common sense gun reform, affordable and accessible health care, reproductive rights, protecting our LGBTQ+ community, and more.

    As a former Mayor and council member, I serve as a two-year chair for Humboldt Waste Management Authority, helping to guide Humboldt towards organic waste processing. I continue to serve on the California League of Cities Housing, Economic and Community Development Committee, as well as serving as Vice Chair on Humboldt’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). I also serve on the board of directors of Humboldt Made, an organization that provides support to local businesses through advocacy, networking, and resources. 

    There are the fights ahead. And they’re fights I know all too well. I’ve been on the front lines of this work in Humboldt County and am ready to continue those efforts across our state.

    Democrats are a big tent party with big ideas. There is strength in that, as well as power.

    But we also have big problems to solve—and that starts with bringing new voices to the table and unifying our party under the values we hold dear. To get back to the basics of building an economy that works for working people, protecting our freedoms from a President who seeks to strip them away, and saving our planet.

    I’d be honored to earn your vote, along with the rest of the Democrats United Slate.

  • Nonprofit Director / Councilmember

    I’m proud to be running for re-election to be your delegate – along with the Democrats United Slate. 

    Serving as a delegate representing District 2, and your executive board member for the last two years, I’ve seen how our party can lead and create meaningful change.

    In 2020, thanks in large part to the work California Democrats did, we defeated Donald Trump, flipped the Senate, and ushered in a new era of bold leadership.

    Thanks to Democrats, we passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, the CHIPS Act, PACT Act, and so many more. On the state level, we set and met ambitious green energy goals, invested in our schools and students, and laid out a roadmap for the next generation. In Healdsburg, where I serve on the City Council, we mobilized around a climate strategy and invested in much-needed, accessible, affordable housing and then received the funding from our Democratic leadership to make it happen. 

    Because that’s what Democrats do. 

    But a few months ago, everything changed. With Donald Trump returning to the White House, we know our future is not assured. But when I drop my kids off at school in the morning, or tuck them into bed at night – I know that that future is worth fighting for. 

    I want to be able to promise my kids that they will live in a future where our democracy is stronger, the air is cleaner, and our communities are more connected. 

    I want to promise my daughter that she will grow up with more rights than her grandmother did, not fewer. Promise my son that he’ll never have to walk into a classroom wondering if it will be his last. Promise my community that they will never have to worry whether they can afford to go to the emergency room – or whether their hard-earned Social Security and Medicare benefits will cease to exist.

    Those fights aren’t easy. The work is hard. And it requires a Democratic Party that is fiercely committed to meeting voters where they are, organizing year-round, and winning up and down the ballot. 

    I’m inspired by the efforts that have already begun, energized by the challenges we are yet to face, and would be honored to continue to represent you as your delegate.

    I hope that I – along with the rest of the United Democrats Slate – can earn your support.

  • I am running for delegate to bring my deep knowledge of our region, experience developing policy at the local, regional, and state levels, and relationships with policy makers and local activists to advocate for the most important issues impacting our district. 

    During the past eight years on the Cloverdale City Council, I served on the League of California Cities Executive Board as well as the Governance, Transparency & Labor Relations and Environmental Policy committees and was a founding member of the Rural Cities Information Exchange. I actively worked on legislation and policies vital to our rural communities including climate, disaster preparedness, transportation, housing, and equity.

    As a council member, I served on the boards of Sonoma Clean Power, Russian River Watershed Association, ZeroWaste Sonoma, Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control Board, Sonoma-Marin Area Train (SMART), and Sonoma County Transportation Authority/Regional Climate Protection Authority (SCTA/RCPA), and other regional boards and committees. I regularly worked with fellow directors and agency staff finding innovative solutions, creating policies and local programs, and crafting legislative platforms to benefit everyone in our region.

    As Chair of the Sonoma County Mayors’ & Councilmembers’ Legislative Committee, I worked with my fellow committee members and our state legislative staffers advocating for legislation on issues ranging from fire recovery and insurance, energy efficiency, transportation, housing, and equity. As an active member of Cal Cities Redwood Division, I worked closely with colleagues throughout the north coast on our regional priorities including rural broadband, protecting and preserving our environment, and economic opportunity for all.

    I am a founding member of the Cloverdale Democratic Club and have served on the Sonoma County Democratic Central Committee. Now that I’m out of office, I’d like to continue serving our region as a delegate to the State Democratic Party. I bring years of solid experience developing policies and platforms consistent with our Democratic values to serve the underserved communities of AD2.

    I humbly ask for your vote.

    More about Melanie…

    Melanie is a Sonoma County native and has lived in Cloverdale for 25 years. Before serving eight years on the Cloverdale City Council, she served seven years on the Cloverdale Planning Commission and five years on the Sonoma County Economic Development Board. She is a 2009 Fellow of the Leadership Institute and completed Climate Reality Project Climate Corps training in 2012. She owns and operates an IT and communications consulting with her husband.

    In her free time, she enjoys cooking, gardening, working on her 100+ year old home, and hiking local trails with her husband and dog.

    Connect with Melanie on LinkedIn or Blue Sky

  • Nonprofit Fundraiser

    I am proud to be running as part of the Democrats United slate to serve as your delegate.

    I’m running because I believe the strength of the Democratic Party lies in its fundamental drive to help people. To do this, we must first meet people where they are, as they are, before we can advocate. If I am anything, I am a listener and an advocate— traits that have defined my career.

    Though my work has been community-centered, I never imagined stepping into politics. I’ve dedicated myself to community service, from museums and film festivals to local advocacy. But after this devastating election, and the rise of both MAGA candidates and the presence of white supremacists in our county, I realized that the terrifying national crisis had come home.

    Democrats must start winning elections, from the water district to the White House, and I have the experience and drive to help make that happen. In 2024, I traveled to Sacramento and Washington, DC, to meet lawmakers, advocate for local issues, and see how effective ordinary people can be when they step up, make the ask, and hold leaders accountable. I fundraised for local Democrats, volunteered for campaigns supporting female candidates, and participated in the candidate endorsement process.

    Having lived in Healdsburg for 11 years, I’ve seen our region rapidly gentrify. But with it came an affordability crisis that threatens working and middle-class families - one I grapple with on a daily basis. It’s critical that we prioritize policies to ensure a living wage and make affordable housing a reality.

    I grew up in Skokie, Illinois, a diverse community that instilled in me the value of pluralism and the importance of standing against hate. Our town was once the target of a neo-Nazi march, and that reinforced my belief that we must remain vigilant in the fight against bigotry. Unless everyone is free, no one is free. This principle guides my dedication to our party and the work ahead.

  • My name is Danielle Feldman. I grew up in Sonoma County, surrounded by its natural beauty, vibrant communities, and the values that define our state: equality, innovation, and compassion.

    Even as I’ve lived, studied, and worked across the country and the world, Sonoma County has always been my compass, the place I call home. The North Coast isn’t just where I’m from - in many ways, it’s who I am. 

    Being away gave me a deeper appreciation for what makes California extraordinary – and the work it takes to keep it that way.

    From protecting our natural resources to leading the way in healthcare, education, and workers’ rights, California stands as a beacon of progress. I’m running as a Delegate for AD2 as part of the Democrats United slate because I believe in fighting for these values and building on the legacy of leadership that defines the California Democratic Party.

    I earned my BA in Integrative Biology from UC Berkeley and my MS in Public Health from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins. I am a Certified Health Education Specialist and Certified Clinical Research Coordinator.

    Along the way, I’ve worn many hats: working in K-12 education, medical research on military brain injuries, young adult mental health initiatives, and environmental consulting. I’ve collaborated with government leaders and engaged with communities across the country, always focused on creating solutions that prioritize sustainability and well-being. 

    As a Delegate, I will advocate for policies that reflect our shared priorities: preserving our environment, protecting workers, and supporting families. California Democrats have always led the way, and I am committed to helping our party stay at the forefront of change.

    This is a pivotal moment for our state and our nation. It takes dedicated, passionate individuals to ensure that California remains a place of opportunity, inclusion, and innovation. I’m ready to do my part.

    I respectfully ask for your vote to represent AD2 as your Delegate and for your support of the Democrats United for AD2 slate. 

  • My name is Melanie Jones-Carter, and I’m honored to be running as part of the Democrats United Slate to serve as your delegate to the California Democratic Party.

    I’m running because I believe we need leaders with fresh eyes and open ears. Leaders who are willing to ask the tough questions. even when they’re not the answers we want to hear. Especially when they’re the answers we don’t want to hear.

    From helping build semiconductors to working with nonprofits addressing hunger – I’ve managed big teams and seen what it takes for our communities to thrive. I’ve built a career on solving complex problems. Now I want to bring that experience to public service.

    When I first stepped into local politics, it wasn’t planned, but it felt right.

    I got my start helping a Santa Rosa City Councilmember run for re-election. Walking neighborhoods and having conversations with voters.

    I learned that people aren’t looking for someone with all the answers. They’re looking for someone who will listen, who will show up, and who will follow through.

    That’s exactly what I’ve done ever since.

    I’ve served on the Sonoma County Democratic Central Committee as Endorsement Coordinator, vetting candidates for city councils and school boards to ensure they shared our values – from affordable housing to climate resilience, from addressing homelessness  and childcare. I believe the lack of affordable childcare is the reason so many of our residents live paycheck to paycheck. I fully support policies that support young families to gain financial stability.

    I’m now proud to serve on the Central Committee’s Executive Board, helping shape the party’s work across the region.

    Beyond that, I’ve taken on leadership roles across Sonoma County: as President of the Mendocino Community Garden, Vice Chair of the Museum of Sonoma County, and Chair of the Santa Rosa Design Review Board. I’ve been appointed by local leaders to serve on the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women.

    And I’ve joined CADEM’s Standing Organizing Committee, because I know that year-round organizing is the key to winning elections. 

  • I'm Felicia Smith, Director of Energy Solutions at Sonoma Clean Power. Since moving to Sonoma County in 2014, I have been a steadfast advocate for climate change mitigation and forward-thinking environmental policies. My professional efforts span critical areas such as decarbonization, landfill diversion, and water conservation.

    I believe that addressing climate change with thoughtful, innovative strategies and policy can enhance our quality of life while preserving the natural beauty of our region for future generations.

    I am committed to ensuring that our community thrives by balancing progress with sustainability, creating a healthier, more resilient environment for all. I humbly ask for your vote and support of the Democrats United slate.

    More about Felicia…

  • I’m Jeff Hunerlach and I’m hoping to be a delegate to represent workers in California. I currently serve as District Representative for Operating Engineers Local #3 representing Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. I also serve on the Great Redwood Trail Authority, the Executive Committee of Humboldt Workforce Development Board, as delegate on the PAC Committee for the California State Building and Construction Trades Council, and the Secretary-Treasurer for the Building and Construction Trades Council of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties.

    I am committed to my community and the people who live here. My purpose is to provide opportunities for local people to earn a living wage and have benefits for their retirement.

    For the last seven years, I’ve worked tirelessly to bring alternative energy to Humboldt County through offshore wind.

    As a delegate, I would vote for the future of California and the upcoming alternative energy projects that will provide work at a decent wage and long-term solutions for our state.

    I firmly believe in the Democratic party principles and goals. I want to see those goals succeed without compromising local industries. I have seen great things accomplished when we work together. It’s through communication and relationships that we will grow as a party, as a state, and as a country. I serve in any capacity I can to further that growth.

    More about Jeff…

    Jeff is an Operating Engineer who worked 25 years in the construction industry and was a union representative for 15 years. Jeff is currently the OE3 District Representative for Humboldt, Del Norte, Napa and Solano Counties.

    He serves as a delegate to the Central Labor Council of Humboldt and Del Norte and as Secretary-Treasurer for the Building and Construction Trades Council of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties and is a delegate to the California State Building Trades. He currently sits on the Workforce Development Board of Humboldt County and the Great Redwood Trail Authority.

    When not working hard for OE3 and their families, Jeff loves to fish and spend with his grandchildren.

  • I’m Michael Harris, a retired pediatrician in Bodega Bay, and I’m proud to be part of the Democrats United for AD2 slate.

    I’ve been a lifelong Democrat and, like you are, I’m deeply concerned about where we are after November’s election results. Losing the White House and both houses of Congress is a tough reality to face, but it’s also a call to action. It’s time to reflect on how we connect with voters, what our message is, and how we build the coalitions we need to win.

    I’m running to be a delegate because I want to see a stronger, more unified Democratic Party – one that brings people in and meets them where they are. Our success depends on it.

    We can’t deliver progress on the issues we care about – climate action, healthcare access, economic fairness, protecting vulnerable communities, and defending democracy – unless we’re winning elections. And winning requires us to listen to voters and focus on the issues that matter most in their own lives.

    California has an outsized influence on national politics, and if we want to help lead the way, we need to demonstrate that Democrats are serious about governing, about solving problems, and about improving lives.

    I spent my career in pediatric medicine, working with families and advocating for healthier communities. I’ve seen firsthand how policy decisions impact people in very real ways. That experience taught me that meaningful change doesn’t happen overnight – it happens by showing up, doing the work, and building trust over time.

    I’ve been actively engaged with the California Democratic Party at conventions across our state. I’ve given testimony to the Resolutions Committee and the Platform Committee, and I’ve worked with members of the Legislature on issues like children’s health, environmental protection, and community safety. 

    Now I’m asking for the opportunity to take that experience and represent you as a delegate.

    We need a party that reflects the best of California, and is ready to lead on the issues that matter most to people in every part of the state.

    I humbly ask for your trust and support for myself, and for the rest of the Democrats United Slate.

    More about Mike

    Mike is a retired pediatrician, living in Bodega Bay. He’s passionate about healthcare, education and the environment. He knows that the only way we win is by moving forward together. 

  • Chair, Santa Rosa Housing Authority; Legislative Representative, Airline Pilots Association UAL-34 (AFL/CIO)

    At the US Naval Academy, I learned that I have a duty to get involved within my community and help
    solve tough problems. I am running for delegate, along with my fellow slate candidates on Democrats United for AD2, to make life easier for the working people of California.

    We can achieve this by creating more affordable housing, incentivizing environmentally smart economic development, and implementing programs to give our underserved youth the best chance at success. I have pursued these priorities as Chair of the Santa Rosa Housing Authority, but there is much more to be done.

    I am ready to do the hard work. I currently fight for US job protections on the Legislative Committee of my labor union, the Airline Pilots Association and, as a former Navy fighter pilot and congressional liaison, I have successfully advocated for legislative solutions to the issues facing my fellow post-9/11veterans.

    I am a public servant at heart, and look forward to continuing that service as a delegate to the State Democratic Party. My many years of public advocacy and work on the Sonoma County Democratic Party Central Committee are consistent with our Democratic values and will greatly benefit the working people and underserved communities of AD2.

    I humbly ask for your vote and your support for our slate: Democrats United for AD2.

  • I am running for delegate with my fellow slate candidates on Democrats United for AD2 to bring my unique experience involving agriculture, social services, ecological restoration and policy building to bear to effect change within our District and within the Democratic Party.

    I know our region intimately, have strong relationships with the change-makers here, and hope to affect change that will last for generations.

    For the last 15 years, I’ve been an administrator for programs serving the most severe and persistently mentally ill and addicted in our community, built homes for Habitat for Humanity, and providing vocational programming to at-risk youth for ecological restoration, prescribed fire, and the trades.

    In the early mornings, late nights, and weekends, I manage my family’s livestock and keep alive 175 years of tradition on the ranch that has been our family since 1851. I’m no stranger to hard work and promise to be tireless in representing the people and interests of AD2.

    I understand the issues and opportunities facing monolingual immigrants as my father was born in poverty in Puerto Rico. When the family came to New York, he did not speak English, understand our culture, or the new paradigm of brick and cement so foreign to his previously rural island life.

    I understand the needs of our agricultural community, as I too have shared their experiences of heartbreak and triumph like a bad drought or a good growth of grass. 

    I’ve served on the board of Latino Service Providers, Safer West County, am a certified wildland firefighter 2 and volunteer with The Good Fire Alliance, sit on the board for New Ways to Work a nonprofit improving employment and educational opportunities for youth Nationwide, and was the founding chair of the Sonoma Coast Municipal Advisory Council representing residents along 50 miles of our rural coastline.

    I see the opportunity to be a delegate as an impactful way to bring my experience in behavioral health, affordable housing, ecological restoration, and a lived experience in agriculture into play within the State Democratic Party to represent our community and make an impact.

    I hope that you will consider lending your support and your vote to our slate, Democrats United for AD2.

    More about Che

    Algeo "Che" Casul is a 7th generation rancher in Bodega, born and raised on the same ranch his great-great-great-great grandfather settled in 1850 on his mother's side and is the first generation of his family to be born and raised off of the home island of Puerto Rico on his father’s side. After receiving his BA in History, Che started working in public service in 2008 managing dual diagnosis rehabilitation housing for troubled youth. In 2013, Che received his MPA with a focus in nonprofit management. With over 15 years of public service management experience in our community, Che has managed vocational programs for the most severe and persistently mentally ill in our community, programs for the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity, as CEO led Circuit Rider Community Services’ programs focusing on juvenile justice programming and hands-on paid vocational rehabilitation programs for at-risk youth, and now serves as the Director of Community Initiatives to 5th District Sonoma County Supervisor Lynda Hopkins.

    In his free time, Che sits on the Board of New Ways To Work and is a wildland firefighter volunteer with The Good Fire Alliance. When not volunteering, Che maintains his family’s livestock and vineyard infrastructure, and pursues his passions of spearfishing, sea kayak angling, and mushroom hunting.

  • I’ve been a life-long resident of California and state environmental scientist for the past 25 years. I’ve dedicated my career to natural resource conservation and continue that mission through other avenues of public service. I’ve also been active in union organizing throughout my career, first as a bargaining unit representative with SEIU Local 1000, followed by over ten years serving on the Board of Directors with the California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS).

    In 2020, I was elected to the Eureka City Council and was recently reelected to serve the citizens of Eureka for a second and final term. As part of my public service, I represent the City on numerous boards and committees including but not limited to serving as Vice Chair on the Redwood Coast Energy Authority (local CCA), and Vice Chair on our local fire department Joint Powers Authority. I also represent coastal northern California (from Point Arena in the south to Crescent City along the Oregon border) on the League of California Cities (CalCities) Board of Directors. CalCities represents the interests of nearly all 482 cities in the state.

    I’ve lived in Eureka for almost 25 years and love my community. My wife Gina and I have raised two young men here, one that is now attending school at Montana State University and the other about to leave the country on a student exchange program. Gina is an emergency room nurse and president of the Redwood Coast Mountain Biking Association. When we have a little free time, we like to camp, fish, hike and do anything outdoors.

    Scott Bauer
    Email Me

  • Chief Administrative Officer & Deputy Director

    Thank you for considering me for delegate, along with my fellow slate candidates on Democrats United for AD2.  I love our beautiful district with its many miles of coastline and unique communities and would represent your interests effectively. I want to work to strengthen the work of the California Democratic Party and amplify our shared goals.

    From 2019 to 2023, I served as the District Director for Sonoma County’s 5th district, where my team addressed issues of interest to our broad constituencies, addressing the day-to-day needs of the many unincorporated residents in rural areas, addressing our climate emergency at every opportunity, working to support development of much-needed affordable and market-rate housing, and supporting agriculture and related industries.  I worked through the very challenging COVID-19 epidemic, including regular communications with local health centers and large medical systems, state officials issuing mandates, and local businesses, residents, and workers who were bearing the brunt of the shutdown pain.

    My public service experience includes a range of relevant experiences for a range of jurisdictions. I currently work as the Chief Administrative Officer and Deputy Director for San Francisco’s Environment Department. I care deeply about the environment and want to dedicate myself to making sure California and the US maintain its strong environmental policies and lead by example.

    At the City and County of San Francisco, I also served as a Deputy Budget Director where I maintained strict financial discipline and worked through development of increased long term planning processes including two-year budgeting, five-year financial planning and improved capital planning. Following that, I served five years as the Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Children, Youth, and their Families in San Francisco, where I worked on issues affecting kids from birth to transitional aged youth; I worked closely with both the school district and community college district as well.

    I am an active member of the recently founded Sonoma County Asian Pacific Islander Democratic Club and actively participate with a range of API & LGBTQ+ organizations.

    Thank you for reading through, and I am grateful for your support for my candidacy as well as my slate: Democrats United for AD2.

  • My name is Geoffrey Larkin, and I am seeking your support to serve as a delegate to the California Democratic Party for Assembly District 2. As a dedicated member of our community, I am committed to ensuring that our shared values—equity, opportunity, and justice—are represented at every level of government.

    As an officer in the International Association of Fire Fighters, I have worked tirelessly to advocate for the rights and well-being of working families. This experience has strengthened my understanding of labor issues and the importance of economic policies that prioritize fairness, safety, and sustainability.

    As your delegate, I will bring a voice that is passionate, practical, and resolute in advancing Democratic ideals. I am committed to amplifying the concerns of our community and ensuring they are heard by party leadership. Together, we can continue to champion policies that protect our environment, promote affordable healthcare, support public education, and address the needs of working families.

    I humbly ask for your vote and pledge to work diligently on behalf of our shared vision for a brighter, more inclusive future. Let’s move forward together.


    Geoffrey Larkin