Got questions?

We have answers.

Where is AD2?

Assembly District 2 is comprised of Northern Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt, Trinity, and Del Norte Counties.

What is a “slate” and who is on it?

The Democrats United Slate is a group of 14 candidates, all running to be delegates representing the North Coast. We’re from every corner of the district, and may not agree on everything, but we all share the belief that our party is stronger when we aren’t afraid to roll up our sleeves and organize to win.

Our candidates are Melanie Bagby, Danielle Feldman, Irene Hodes, Melanie Jones-Carter, Ariel Kelley, Meredith Matthews, Felicia Smith, Scott Bauer, Algeo “Che” Casul, Leo Chyi, Michael Harris, Jeffery Hunerlach, and Jeremy Newton, and Geoffrey Larkin.

The best part? You can vote for all 14!

This process is confusing but I want to help. What do I do next?

If you’ve never voted in an ADEM election or it’s been awhile, the process can seem a little daunting. The details are laid out below.

  • To vote, you must be a registered member of the Democratic Party who lives in Assembly District 2. 

  • The California Democratic Party elects its regional representatives in February 2025. It is critical for us to have community members and allies who will effectively represent us.

    This is an opportunity to influence the democratic party’s priorities! CADEM delegates: 

    • Vote for endorsements of the California Democratic Party for partisan legislative and statewide office in California

    • Vote for positions on the Ballot Propositions

    • Provide a voice for local Assembly districts when establishing the official California Democratic State Platform

    • Serve on various committees

    • Endorse local candidates in district elections

    • Elect CADEM Regional Directors who function as liaisons between the California Democratic Party, County Central Committees, and Democratic Party Clubs.

  • You can register to vote online (easy) or in-person at designated polling locations:

    Register to vote online
    1/6/2025 12pm to 1/31/2025 12pm

    Register to vote in-person
    1/6/2025 12pm to 2/23/2025 6pm

    • Your unique Participant Identification Number (PIN) and password will be mailed to your registered mailing address prior to the election. Ensure your mailing address is current, as no changes can be made.

    • Credentials are sent via USPS to maintain confidentiality. They will not be distributed through email, phone, or other means.

  • Upon receiving your credentials, you can vote online until February 23, 2025, at 6:00 PM.

    You may vote for up to 14 candidates in total. The top 7 OSIF and top 7 SIF candidates will be elected. 

    SIF = Self-Identified Female 

    OSIF = Other than Self-Identified Female

    Vote online:

    • Access the ElectionBuddy platform using the link provided in your mailed credentials.

    • Enter your PIN and unique password.

    • Select up to 14 candidates on your ballot. (7 SIF & 7 OSIF)

    • Review your selections and submit your ballot.

    • If you do not receive your Voting Credentials, you must go to an In Person Location to vote using your original ID Number

    Vote in person:

If you have more questions, or need help give us a call at 707-273-1920.